How to Stop Pollution!

Here are 5 EASY Ways To Reduce Pollution Levels.

1. Ride a bike whenever you can.
When you need to take short ride somewhere you usually hop in to your car and drive to where you need to go but in actuality you could just hop onto your bike and cruise over there. This will help reduce greenhouse gases (CO2).

2. Carpool!
Carpooling is a great way to reduce the production of greenhouse gases! instead of using 5 cars for 5 try using 1 or 2.

3. Use Reusable items. 
Instead of wasting a bunch of plastic buy one metal water bottle and keep reusing that, Use empty cartons and cardboard to do crafts! It's a fun thing to do with your family!

4. Turn Off The Water When You Brush You Teeth!
It explains itself for the most part, but when you brush your teeth don't leave the water going only turn it on for the couple of seconds you need it to be on.

Tell everyone you know to reuse reduce and recycle. Tell everyone about bikes ,carpooling ,teeth brushing, reusable items, and everything else you know about saving the earth because you could be the next superhero that saves the earth!!!
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Sea Nettles and Jellyfish Facts!

What Are Sea Nettles?

Sea Nettles, also know as Chrysaora Quinquechirra are a widely spread species of jelly fish. They live in tropical and subtropical parts of the atlantic and indian ocean. They are very often seen on the east coast of the United States such as the Chesapeake Bay. Yikes! don't worry although the sting may be annoying it is noir dangerous to swimmers!

How Can We Avoid Being Stung?

One obvious reason is that you can stay away from the area's of the water where jellyfish like to migrate, but since we live right on the east coast that's a little hard to do. If you happen to be going out in deep waters try wearing a wet suit and rubber socks to keep the jellyfish from stinging you. Even if the jellyfish happens to be washed up on the beach STAY AWAY!!! Jellyfish stingers can be active out of water for up to 3 whole days! If there isn't a way out of the water without getting stung stay calm and very still they usually don't attack unless scared or provoked.

What Do I Do If I Get Stung?

This first part goes without saying if you or anyone else get's stung seek medical treatment immediately! Rinse off the tentacles with salt water, DO NOT rinse them off with fresh water because that will make the sting much worse! Make sure to watch for severe reactions to the sting. You can put vinegar on the sting to neutralize the venom. Advil or Acetaminophen will help ease the the pain, ice or heat may also help.

Some Facts About Jellyfish!

A group of jellyfish is called a swarm or a smack!
Jellyfish are %95 water!
Jellyfish don't have bones!
There is proof that jellyfish existed 400 million years ago!
There is a species of jellyfish that live FOREVER!!!
Jellyfish can sting even when they are dead! Ew!
People eat jellyfish!
Jellyfish don't have a brain, a heart, and a head!1
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Why is the water so cloudy??

Cloudy Waters
The water in the Chesapeake bay is cloudy because of the sediment and the nutrient pollution!
Sediment is a major pollutant. sediment makes it so not very much light can go through the water which is why you can't see very far down in the water. This is a problem because aquatic plants and habitat health is decreasing. Where is this sediment coming from?. If the sediment were to come from farms we would take action to help farmers practice conservation. If we were to find out it was the banks we could look into stream restoration.  nutrients cause the growth of water clouding algae blooms. When there is a big storm all the dirt runs into the bay and the dirt floats in the water clouding the clarity.
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What are tides, and how do they work?

The definition of tides is the rise and fall of the levels in the ocean. 

Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the sun moon and the spinning of the earth!
There are so many different types of tides, high, low, spring, neap, and more!

High tides and low tides.

High and low tides are naturally occurring rises and falls in the level of different waters.
A high tide happens when the sea water reaches it's greets height. A high tide looks there is a lot more water than usual in the body of water you are looking at.
A low tide happens the sea water reaches its lowest height. A low tide looks like there is a lot less water than usual in the body of water you happen to be looking at.

Spring tides and Neap tides.

Spring tides occur around the new moon and full moon phases the sun, moon and earth are alignedwhen this happens it makes the high tides higher and the low tides lower.
Neap tides neap tides occur during the first and third quarter phases of the moon.
neap tides make the tides less extreme high tides during neap tides are lower than high tides during spring tides, and low neap tides are higher than low spring tides.

how are tides created?

tides are created because the earth and moon are both attracted to each other just like magnets!
The moon tries to pull the earth over but the earth holds on to everything except the water! Since the water is always moving the earth can't hold on to it so the moon is able to pull at it. the two main tides that occur each day are the high and low tides.

Have Fun Out In The Tides!!!
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