How to Stop Pollution!
Here are 5 EASY Ways To Reduce Pollution Levels.
1. Ride a bike whenever you can.
When you need to take short ride somewhere you usually hop in to your car and drive to where you need to go but in actuality you could just hop onto your bike and cruise over there. This will help reduce greenhouse gases (CO2).
2. Carpool!
Carpooling is a great way to reduce the production of greenhouse gases! instead of using 5 cars for 5 try using 1 or 2.
3. Use Reusable items.
Instead of wasting a bunch of plastic buy one metal water bottle and keep reusing that, Use empty cartons and cardboard to do crafts! It's a fun thing to do with your family!
4. Turn Off The Water When You Brush You Teeth!
It explains itself for the most part, but when you brush your teeth don't leave the water going only turn it on for the couple of seconds you need it to be on.
Tell everyone you know to reuse reduce and recycle. Tell everyone about bikes ,carpooling ,teeth brushing, reusable items, and everything else you know about saving the earth because you could be the next superhero that saves the earth!!!
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